No Spam - will NEVER send SPAM and no one at this domain will
ever respond in any way to email that was not created on one of our
mail forms
To contact us, please use our
web mail form
. The spammers web robots don't use this type mail form, so we know
these messages are from real people.
Definition of Spam - as applied
to Email means Unsolicited Bulk Email ("UBE").
Unsolicited means that the Recipient
has not granted verifiable permission for the message to
be sent.
Bulk means that the message is sent as part of
many messages, all having substantively the same content.
Spam email wastes time and resources. The World Wide Web was
designed for scientists to exchange information, so the
accountability of the email sender was not considered
during the design. The return email address of the sender is
easily forged. At,
We receive SPAM email that even shows the sender to be someone at
We also, receive the same SPAM messages day after day.
They use a different forged sender address each day.
Many of the return addresses are valid email users that
had nothing to do with these SPAM messages.
Privacy policy - respects the privacy of its
users and protects the email address on this site from robotic collection.